Finden Sie schnell vitalpilz pulver für Ihr Unternehmen: 3 Ergebnisse

Bio Maca Pulver

Bio Maca Pulver

The maca powder is obtained from drying the whole fruit (seed, pulp and peel) and its subsequent milling making it an integral powder. Maca is considered an ally of fertility, both because of its organo-mineral content (it is associated with zinc, for example) and because of its macaines. PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Thanks to its high protein and fiber content, maca increases physical energy. In addition to its energetic properties, maca is known worldwide for its highly beneficial and aphrodisiacal properties. MACA POWDER It helps to regulate hormonal disorders, solve impotence problems and increase fertility. It can be used as a supplement, or in the preparation of nutraceuticals, or as an ingredient for energy foods.
Maca gemahlen - Bio und Konventionell

Maca gemahlen - Bio und Konventionell

Maca gemahlen - Bio und Konventionel Superfood - Varianten: Maca gemahlen
Bio Lucuma Pulver

Bio Lucuma Pulver

The lucuma powder is obtained from drying the whole fruit (seed, pulp and peel) and its subsequent milling making it an integral powder. BENEFITS Lúcuma powder is an extraordinary natural energizer, providing fiber, potassium, vitamin B3 and carotenoids. It gives vitality to carry out daily activities normally, and is rich in niacin (vitamin B3). Thanks to the latter, it stimulates the proper functioning of the nervous system. LÚCUMA POWDER PRODUCT APPLICATIONS This fruit is seen as a healthy alternative sweetener and is excellent for diabetics. It helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, stimulates the proper functioning of the nervous system and is an extraordinary natural energizer. It is used in confectionery (ice cream, custard, meringue, pudding, custard and marshmallows) and as a flavoring for milkshakes, yogurt shakes and cookies.